Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why NOT me?

Well, hi there!

I have thought about doing a blog for quite sometime. On a recent trip to Chicago while sharing a story with an amazing friend I was asked, why don't you blog? I guess I never really saw myself as a writer and I didn't know if I had anything to say or if anyone would listen. But after thinking about a way to put out into the world a positive perspective NOW, this seemed like the perfect fit.

So, here it is. My blog.

Just to share a bit about myself first, I'm Katy. I live in Burbank, CA with my sweet, neat, funny comedian and writer husband, Jay. I am a classically trained actress, an internationally ranked athlete, a national advocate for amputees and an eternal optimist. I've spent a lot of my life doing things that other people might think are crazy or rash. I have chased my dream of being an actress all the way to California and have always had the mind set of "someone has to be able to do it, why not me?"

I almost see myself as a super hero, Optimist Girl, leaping over negativity in a single bound!

Now, don't get me wrong, I have my share of troubles and days that I listen to that little voice inside my head that rattles on about all of the reasons I won't have success and happiness. And that's one of the reasons I'm here doing this. I want to share what I'm going through on my path to who I want to be (who I already am) and hear what incredible things you are doing to make the world a better place, one smile at a time. I also want to use this as proof for that little voice that one person can make a difference.

I had the amazing opportunity yesterday to go and speak to a group of high school kids in Pasadena. They are part of a program for kids who are going to be the first ones in their families to go to college and I was asked to come in and talk a bit about the field of prosthetics but also to share my story. I was a little worried when the teacher that asked me to come said that this group was sort of immature. We had some trouble with the projector and I had to wing it for a while BUT the easiest way to reach 14-17 year-olds is laugh at yourself. After a few minutes of talking and a few well placed jokes about myself, I found that not only were these kids NOT immature but very smart and engaged.

I told them about my life growing up as an amputee and how it made me feel different. All I ever wanted was to be a ordinary kid, just like everyone else and it wasn't until I was in my 20's that realized that those things that make me different are the things that make me EXTRAordinary.

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and there is a specific reason that I was born the way that I was, without my lower legs and that reason is because that is how I am set apart from the rest of the pack.

The students had some amazing questions at the end and if I could inspire just ONE of them to be proud of what makes them different, what more could I ask?


I'm going to try to blog about once a week. I'd love to hear from you, your thoughts, ideas and challenges.

I'll leave you with a thought for the week.

Self-acceptance is having the awareness that you already ARE what you are seeking.